Legislators are comin' North tell em' No Changes in Our Laws ----

Two legislative committees are concerned about employment in the Northwoods.  Interestingly, this concern has taken shape at the same time mining money is spent in the statehouse to elect a governor and some legislators. Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce has taken the point for bankers, corporations, and Governor Walker’s friends who are bound and determined to allow a strip mine to cross 22 miles of wilderness area. 

The barrier to this ill-advised, quest for greed is the legacy of Wisconsin’s environmental protection. This long held ethic is now under attack by greedy corporations, and politicians who are misguided, uninformed or just don’t give a damn. 

This resource war will not go away. The Bad River Watershed, the Kakagon Sloughs, and the wild rice beds are precious resources and the homeland of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Ojibwe. 

The Assembly Committee on Jobs, Economy and Small Business and the newly formed Senate Select Committee On Mining Jobs appear to be merely pawns in the game. WE did say “appear” to be pawns as members of these legislative committees do have the opportunity to actually consider developing real jobs that will sustain real communities and honor and preserve Wisconsin’s long held legacy of conservation and water protection. After all the issue is water, not jobs, nor a policy designed by industry and promoted by a self-serving governor.

The issue is not democrats versus republicans; it is a rural versus urban battle.  The issue is: are we willing to honor efforts of those who came before us and respect those who are to follow – after all water, clean air, wilderness, soil, are the best gifts we can leave our children. Scott Walker and too may legislators have been sucked into believing a stock portfolio is better – Wonder how Betty Crocker prepares a “portfolio” for supper? Maybe of the committees traveling North will have recipe for ink and paper!