Toxic Taters IT IS ABOUT WATER  and RESPECT ”end of story”

CAFOs     Save the Mounds     

Lotta kings running around up North - A coal king from the country of florida, a spud king from country of fargo and pig king from the country of iowa. Even burger king may be implicated and certainly and a burger jester are involved.…/3855243-groups-join-protest-pestic… the spud king himself defended the clown and praised his spuds. Others hope mickey-doos and the spud nick get the drift, so to speak…/.

Toxic Taters coordinator Amy Mondloch summarized the group’s interests: “It’s really simple. Rural Minnesota is our home. We’ll do what need to do to protect it. We hope that the DNR will fulfill its responsibility to the people of Minnesota and that we can come out of this process with the strongest possible environmental review to ensure that RDO’s farming practices won’t cause undue harm to our home.” 

(Amy walked with Walt n' me to Madison. We liked to think we taught her all she knows - however her mantra - everyone is a learner and everyone is a teacher prevailed. She and Toxic Taters are kicking ass and taking names…/mcdonalds-french-fries- ) Send her a big thanks and share the Toxic Tater stories!…/mcdonalds-french-fries luv ya, Amy

Groups join to protest pesticide use on potatoes grown locally...

MOORHEAD – Local organic farming supporters and pesticide protesters picketed Tuesday at the McDonald's restaurant here and in several other cities in…