Travels with Gus.. On the road in Iowa Part two

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Across Iowa people have had enough. Local governments are tired of being told they have right to control their own destiny. Centalized decision making, diminishing the capacity of regulatory agencies, writing new laws as needed, creating tax exemptions, and lowa’s oversite  process is riddled with loop holes, waivers, variances, or special considerations. Very similar to Wisconsin’s mining laws. Save the Waters Edge (WE) made three excursion into the land of CAFOs, foul air, and dimished water quality. Sounds a bit like home. Pork production rules the political andscape in Iowa. Led by the Iowa Pork Producers, the National Pork Producers, and lobbyists pork rules. Jobs, political futures, and the economy are intertwined and the only real winners are the investors. This industry is vigorously defended by those who benefit. 

Traveles with Gus is the second report from the excursions into Iowa. Our  report does not mirror the report from the contingeny sent to Iowa to visit Reicks Farm personal and upfront. Our trips to Iowa and to the applicant's back yard brought back a different view of CAFOs than that of the visit made by the county board contingency. Both valid - sometime excursions such as these depend on the tour guides. 

Our tour guides told a different story - a story of abuse, and the lack of protection for property and homes water pollution and disrespect for neighbors. WE had the opportuity to tour a CAFO, spend an afternoon  observing first hand a sustainable and environmentaly friendly pig farm, and on the back roads with two marvelous tour guides who showed us the effects of some CAFO industrial operations.Travels with Gus is the part one shares this f from our the excursions into Iowa. Our  report does not mirror the report from the contingeny sent to Iowa to visit Reicks Farm personal and upfront.