Lynx Manado 

By: Lynx Manado 06/27/2011

“What the in hell is going' on”? Is the question resonating across the state?  Governor Scott Walker's regime is no longer even attempting to be subtle with their efforts to dismantle Wisconsin’s heritage of conservation, resource protection, and progressive governance. Sadly, too many legislators are more than willing to throw away common sense and open the doors to environmental assault.

The winged ones, the two leggeds, the four leggeds, the plant beings, and the swimmers are all threatened by the emergence of misdirected policy. Appointees of “Wisconsin is open for business Walker” are charging forward with his directive. Consider the language, and foul language it is, used by Cathy Stepp, newly appointed DNR Secretary as she describes a new DNR that will have “greater operational efficiency”. Walker appointed her to lead the DNR because would bring a” chamber of commerce mentality “ to the DNR.

The dismantling of rules and regulations that have were debated and amended which finally became law are almost a daily occurrence in the statehouse. Trampling on the people has become the way of the day. Attempts to strip property rights and due process are on their way to become law.

Even beer has become political. What could be more Wisconsin the beer (and brats of course)? At this time it is not clear if Walker vetoed this bill or let it slide through. Primarily this is just an example of just how quickly the legislative process becomes dysfunctional when political party loyalty trumps the need to represent the citizens.

All the politics, the talk, the BS, the hiding behind big advertising dollars, and scared little people who inhabit the statehouse will mitigate the loss of our water. The answer to the Chinese, the military, Wall Street, and everyone else who is working to destroy the Northwoods is simply NO! Permission denied! These resources belong to the plant beings and their families who live here, those with feathers and fur, and those who live in the water, and to those who follow us. All the talk will not change this reality!